Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Weight Rebellion

I've lost about 9 lbs over the course of this low-carb eating I've been doing.  I found that out on Friday, the only day I weigh myself.  Since then there has been a decided uptick in my carb intake.  This is no accident, it's what I always do. 

I had hoped to lose about 8lbs and then maybe work on losing about 5 more at the most.  But once I overshot my original goal--which happened quickly and unexpectedly--I started to get rebellious. 

By the way, that last 3lb loss was weird.  I had lost about .5lbs the week before and then was suddenly down by 3lbs.  I thought the scale was wrong, but no, it turns out I really did lose it and am still hovering around there.  No idea why.

My pattern with losing weight is that I feel that my clothes are a little loose and then give a mental "fuck you" to...who?...and eat whatever crap I want for several days.  This usually erases any room in my waistband again and I'm back to square one.

Now, I haven't thrown the whole deal out.  I'm still tracking my menu and thus calorie and carb intake on My Fitness Pal, and that seems to keep me from completely flying off the beam, but still I don't know what I'm pushing back on so hard.  One day I felt like I could barely eat enough to not have the tracker yell at me for not eating enough, then next I'm downing M&Ms the same night I made spaghetti for dinner.

Still some work to do there.  In any case, I am overall still paying more attention to what I eat and why I'm choosing what I choose.  Sometimes sleep feels like the munchies, sometime boredom or loneliness does too.  I'm reading more and I picked up what I hope will turn into a part time job (see previous New Venture post).  More up and out and less sitting and munching.

And still often giving into real temptation with no regrets.

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